Our Training Programs
SPT Sports Academy (Sarjapur Road, Bangalore)
Our flagship Academy situated on Sarjapur Road, Bangalore was established in 2003 with lush green natural turf. SPT Sports was the first private football academy in India to hire services of European football coaches and in January 2007 Mr. Tom Legg from England initiated our foray with foreign coaches.
Currently our coaching is for future champs between 5 years to 15 years with basic, mid and advance level sessions which covers a wide range of drills and skills. Our primary focus is for kids to enjoy while learning. In additions, we organise regular intra academy tournaments to encourage the budding players and experience competitive exposure. Our much awaited monthly SPT Junior 5s (5-a-side) age group event – under 10, 12, 14 and 16 years is very popular among the clubs/academies/schools.
Coaching days and timings: Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 am to 10:30 am.

Smash and Sprint (Kudlu Road, near HSR Layout, Bangalore)
An artificial turf football ground with greater focus on Junior Groups (5 to 10 years) since it is the perfect pitch to develop technical skills from the very beginning. Due to the overwhelming response we at this venue, we have added one more batch in the evening in addition to the morning batch. This new slot we will allow us to develop the necessary coaching sessions for the age group between 11 and 15 years old.
Coaching days and timings: Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 am to 10:00 am and 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
AECS Magnolia School (Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore)
Clay playing surface makes the players more agile as it requires more control. Our training across all centres focus on the individual skills and special attention is given in the development of the same. Small sided games are a regular feature of our regime. Having fun is paramount, our coaches teach the game, not winning. Age group: 5 to 15 years.
Coaching days and timings: Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 am to 10:00 am.

St. Francis School (Koramangala, Bangalore)
Grassroots football is not limited to festivals and tournaments; it is also organised as a training activity as part of the child’s development. Our training session also offer the young players a setting where they can express themselves and develop through play. It’s simple, exciting and rewarding for children.
Coaching days and timings: Saturdays and Sundays from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
Our Advance Training Programs
Namma Green (off Sarjapur Road, Bangalore) - Advance Group
Advance group players represents the cream of our centres and are selected under our UEFA ‘A’ coach. Other academy players are also welcome if they qualify our training parameters. Children who attend the Advance Centre are taught in an environment where the emphasis is put on developing their own individual skills and techniques, each player is set a multitude of challenges.
Groups are kept to a maximum of 16 children. This maximises coach to player contact time.
From 2016 season, 3 different age groups: under 10, under 12 and under 14 will have separate batches. All groups will have opportunity to participate in different competitions and tournaments.
Coaching days and timings: Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 am to 10:00 am and 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.

Numaligarh Academy

The efforts at NRL-SPT FA had yielded encouraging results and inspite of our limitations of our coverage area, one of our players have been shortlisted for the trials of under 15 national team and three players are playing in the age group Assam state team (2016). All India Football Federation has recognised NRL-SPT FA as one of the few academies in India for development of grass root football in Assam. In 2016, NRL-SPT FA also participated in the AIFF junior i-League competitions in the North East sector. With this as the background, NRL is now planning a residential/advance group structure which competes in the best national tournaments of the country. This project will allow us to get the best talent within Assam under one roof and help us work on the players’skill and technical aspects including mental conditioning and social behaviour.
NRL SPT Football Academy (Numaligarh, Assam)
NRL-SPT Football Academy is a High Performance Football Centre which Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) has been supporting under their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative and SPT Sports has been providing the technical support since 2012 for all the training and events. The project has a strength of 40 kids from within a radius of 10 kms. of Numaligarh town. During the first years, the project had players between the ages of 9 to 12 years old. Currently, the academy counts with more than hundred players from 8 to 16 years.